7:06am sunrise out front on 59th Place in LA

So many of us are continually looking for reasons to disqualify ourselves, either as an artist or as a full participant in society or both. The reason I want to reassure you about this third voice – whether it’s a narrator or a third voice and your …

So many of us are continually looking for reasons to disqualify ourselves, either as an artist or as a full participant in society or both. The reason I want to reassure you about this third voice – whether it’s a narrator or a third voice and your experience of uneasiness in relation to that – is that that uneasiness is the inevitable consequence of your ambivalence about form and the structuring force in the world. As artists, you simply are going to have to live into that uneasiness. That’s the burden of your identity. It’s also its source. It’s also an excuse not to practice your art, if you want it to be. The one thing I can assure you is you’re not going to be any more comfortable in your skin if you’re not working. ...David Milch