5:44am sunrise-NOT from the bluffs of Point Dume in Malibu.

What can I do about this world today?  Shine a light.  I’m ready to listen, Lord.  To see how very precious a single life is – that it happens at all is a miracle.  There were thousands of sperm fighting over the eggs that made us.  It’s a miracle anything gets born and survives at all.  And if life is a miracle –as life is a miracle – what does that mean?  Whatever the hell we make it mean.  Nothing more and nothing less.   It’s all good.  That’s the thing.  Fleeting, yes, dying, yes, since the day I was born.  The only thing any living being HAS to do is die.  And it’s just plain crazy to waste this precious life worrying about that.  

It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows.  …Epictetus

It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows.  …Epictetus